
Darma Henwa Tbk - DEWA


PER 0.00
PBV 0.00
BV 151
ROE 1.07%
Current Ratio 0.69
DER 147.29%
Harga Wajar 74

PT Darma Henwa Tbk, together with its subsidiaries, engages in mining support and other excavation activities, and machine repair for special purposes in Indonesia. It operates through two segments, Mining Services and Other Services. The company is involved in various mining activities, including land clearing, top soiling, drilling, blasting, overburden removal and dumping, coal getting, coal rom, coal hauling, coal crushing, coal barging, vegetation, and rehabilitation activities, as well as engages in rental and operating lease and civil engineering businesses. It also engages in road and bridge construction for mining areas, mining dressing plant installation, earthworks, drilling exploration, and civil consultant management activities. In addition, the company provides port management services comprising operational activities for the coal crushing and blending process, coal stockpile management service at the port, maintenance of power plants and the supporting equipment, port equipment maintenance service, and other services. The company was formerly known as PT HWE Indonesia and changed its name to PT Darma Henwa Tbk in September 2005. PT Darma Henwa Tbk was incorporated in 1991 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Jumlah saham

: 21.85M lembar

Market Cap

: 0.00M


: 3.29T


: 8.14T

Free Cash Flow

: 904.20M

Key Valuation


: 0.00


: 0.00


: 2

Rasio Profitabilitas

Net Profit Margin

: 0.50%

Return on Assets

: 0.43%

Return on Equity

: 1.07%

Rasio Likuiditas


: 147.29%

Current Ratio

: 0.69%


Bukan saham teknologi

Termasuk saham di sektor Energi


Revenue lebih dari 175M

Revenue 7,063,670,026,000


Current Ratio kecil

Perbandingan CR 0.69


Utang Jangka Panjang : Net Current Assets

Perbandingan : 0.00


Price to Earning Ratio

PER bagus : 0.00


PER * PBV kurang dari 22

Perkalian PER & PBV = 0.00


DER besar

Rasio hutang jangka panjang : = 147.29%

Piotroski F-Score

Net Income bernilai positif

Perusahaan berhasil memperoleh laba.


Operating Cash Flow

Operating Cash Flow bernilai positif



ROA tahun ini lebih kecil dari tahun sebelumnya


Quality of Earning

Operating Cash Flow lebih besar daripada Net Income
993,389,965,000 vs 35,376,801,000


Long Term Debt vs Assets

Rasio lebih rendah dibanding tahun lalu

0.00000 (2023) vs 0.02623 (2022)


Laporan Laba Rugi Tahun 2019-2024

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Revenue 7,063,670,026,000 7,372,668,455,000 6,068,500,852,000 4,614,779,248,375 4,307,324,288,385 344,647,459 276,097,099
Gross Profit 530,028,658,000 512,509,774,000 8,326,739,000 497,877,342,022 106,038,959,766 20,719,729 23,811,569
Operating Income 218,893,265,000 197,550,258,000 -227,615,304,000 317,341,022,315 -46,778,717,621 7,823,001 6,555,272
Net Income 35,376,801,000 35,294,584,000 -248,738,727,000 15,537,742,420 23,298,352,341 3,765,074 2,555,651

Neraca Keuangan

Tahun 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total Asset 8,137,619,055,000 7,988,939,926,000 8,057,329,612,741 7,822,629,216,089 549,518,597 415,098,432
Aset Lancar 2,906,789,518,000 2,246,264,866,000 2,337,226,446,195 3,134,832,875,970 199,332,102 108,985,511
Total Liabilitas 4,848,304,165,000 4,763,619,171,000 4,184,458,697,651 3,995,409,700,302 315,255,563 184,294,296
Liabilitas Lancar 4,192,286,412,000 3,770,901,856,000 2,867,906,111,492 2,810,686,640,478 197,038,944 137,066,835
Long Term Debt 0 209,548,374,000 596,360,281,411 744,814,563,441 72,259,091 1,229,889
Total Equitas 3,291,689,460,000 3,222,445,433,000 3,870,026,424,634 3,824,473,041,115 234,123,412 230,673,419
Working Capital -1,285,496,894,000 -1,524,636,990,000 -530,679,665,296 324,146,235,493 0 0

Arus Kas

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi 993,389,965,000 1,109,832,247,000 243,701,015,000 964,015,119,668 784,328,632,088 -16,307,057 18,069,226
Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi -112,528,739,000 -242,729,086,000 -134,256,252,000 -230,139,127,427 -629,252,712,832 -38,342,200 -19,093,016
Kas dari Aktivitas Pembiayaan -733,049,081,000 -773,091,227,000 -415,895,100,000 -664,102,013,490 -409,101,087,434 104,873,787 -8,017,459
Arus Kas Bebas 904,199,150,000 923,062,930,000 2,084,675,000 736,790,160,788 155,075,919,255 0 0