
Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk - KONI

IDR 915

PER 15.33
PBV 2.09
BV 438
ROE 13.62%
Current Ratio 11.40
DER 17.46%
Harga Wajar 767

PT Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk sells and distributes photographic products in Indonesia. The company's photographic products include photographic paper, chemical supplies, films, vinyl/flex banners, frames, and other finished goods, as well as color papers, inkjet papers, dye sub printers, minilabs, and DNP media printers. It also provides auto processors, cassettes, grids, hangers, screens, X-ray films, and USG papers for conventional medical uses; and CR and DR systems, digital media products, LED viewers, and scanners for medical digital imaging uses, as well as hard disk drives. In addition, the company leases office spaces. It operates through retail stores or representative offices that are located in 15 geographic areas in Indonesia. The company was formerly known as PT Konica Cemerlang and changed its name to PT Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk in April 1988. The company was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Central Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk is a subsidiary of PT Dasabina Adityasarana.



Sub sektor


Sub Industri


Financial Report


Jumlah saham

: 0.31M lembar

Market Cap

: 285.48M


: 136.77M


: 160.65M

Free Cash Flow

: 4.12M

Key Valuation


: 15.33


: 2.09


: 60

Rasio Profitabilitas

Net Profit Margin

: 7.25%

Return on Assets

: 11.59%

Return on Equity

: 13.62%

Rasio Likuiditas


: 17.46%

Current Ratio

: 11.40%


Bukan saham teknologi

Termasuk saham di sektor Perindustrian


Revenue lebih dari 175M

Revenue 256,815,483,302


Current Ratio lebih dari 2

Perbandingan CR 11.40


Utang Jangka Panjang : Net Current Assets

Perbandingan : 0.00


Price to Earning Ratio

PER besar : 15.33


PER * PBV besar

Perkalian PER & PBV = 31.99


DER kurang dari 100%

Rasio hutang jangka panjang : = 17.46%


F-Score : 7

Piotroski F-Score

Net Income bernilai positif

Perusahaan berhasil memperoleh laba.


Operating Cash Flow

Operating Cash Flow bernilai positif



ROA tahun ini lebih kecil dari tahun sebelumnya


Quality of Earning

Operating Cash Flow lebih kecil daripada Net Income
6,957,702,797 vs 18,625,025,439


Long Term Debt vs Assets

Rasio lebih tinggi dibanding tahun lalu

0.00000 (2023) vs 0.00000 (2022)


Laporan Laba Rugi Tahun 2019-2024

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Revenue 256,815,483,302 250,993,441,832 178,583,574,879 125,324,455,512 95,688,162,631 133,908,380,572 147,155,612,866
Gross Profit 57,519,577,874 56,225,238,093 40,383,440,440 29,069,721,950 26,044,830,842 28,511,623,414 28,850,687,108
Operating Income 24,232,565,669 25,010,796,976 14,671,756,638 9,042,523,207 4,211,144,596 1,819,883,266 1,627,970,834
Net Income 18,625,025,439 19,809,792,462 11,593,252,677 7,805,612,005 49,807,916 2,672,059,104 -6,813,807,859

Neraca Keuangan

Tahun 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total Asset 160,654,900,392 142,147,376,515 120,586,203,464 113,491,970,006 114,386,586,031 128,231,504,777
Aset Lancar 125,688,153,695 109,253,464,513 88,068,087,312 80,026,960,317 79,809,785,580 93,055,330,628
Total Liabilitas 23,881,521,542 24,165,903,919 14,707,392,332 48,513,384,332 97,970,715,714 115,850,271,672
Liabilitas Lancar 11,021,131,542 10,909,228,310 1,830,382,361 34,420,886,929 83,718,144,094 101,393,835,465
Long Term Debt 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Equitas 136,773,060,257 117,981,154,079 105,878,492,687 64,978,267,354 16,415,552,136 12,380,915,038
Working Capital 114,667,022,153 98,344,236,203 86,237,704,951 45,606,073,388 0 0

Arus Kas

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi 6,957,702,797 -489,648,933 -1,309,389,580 8,828,460,551 16,457,030,337 14,776,918,382 -21,873,593,643
Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi -2,804,932,833 -2,662,624,088 -1,071,411,373 850,000,000 -447,500,000 -162,500,000 -150,250,000
Kas dari Aktivitas Pembiayaan 0 0 0 -1,174,550,000 -263,737,943 -12,999,370,397 15,897,008,340
Arus Kas Bebas 4,116,733,928 -3,188,309,057 -2,535,767,317 8,828,460,551 16,009,530,337 0 0