
Medco Energi Internasional Tbk. - MEDC

IDR 1,230

PER 5.87
PBV 1.08
BV 1,140
ROE 20.63%
Current Ratio 1.27
DER 332.92%
Harga Wajar 2,189

PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk, an energy and natural resources company, explores for and produces oil and gas. The company operates 11 exploration and production blocks, 1 development block, and 4 exploration blocks in Natuna, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, and Sulawesi in Indonesia; and holds oil and gas assets in the Vietnam, Thailand, Oman, Libya, Yemen, Malaysia, Mexico, and Tanzania. It also engages in the power business; copper and gold mining operations in Sumbawa Island, Nusa Tenggara; and operation of compression station with three gas compressors and 10 pipeline facilities in Gunung Megang, South Sumatra. The company was formerly known as PT Medco Energi Corporation and changed its name to PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk in 2000. The company was founded in 1980 and is headquartered in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Medco Energi Internasional Tbk is a subsidiary of PT Medco Daya Abadi Lestari.


Financial Report

: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Jumlah saham

: 25.14M lembar

Market Cap

: 30.92T


: 25.54T


: 113.68T

Free Cash Flow

: 7.31T

Key Valuation


: 5.87


: 1.08


: 3,437,710

Rasio Profitabilitas

Net Profit Margin

: 14.29%

Return on Assets

: 76,010.38%

Return on Equity

: 20.63%

Rasio Likuiditas


: 332.92%

Current Ratio

: 1.27%


Bukan saham teknologi

Termasuk saham di sektor Energi


Revenue lebih dari 175M

Revenue 36,861,375,900,800


Current Ratio kecil

Perbandingan CR 1.27


Utang Jangka Panjang : Net Current Assets lebih dari 1

Perbandingan : 7.52


Price to Earning Ratio

PER bagus : 5.87


PER * PBV kurang dari 22

Perkalian PER & PBV = 6.33


DER besar

Rasio hutang jangka panjang : = 332.92%


F-Score : 4

Piotroski F-Score

Net Income bernilai positif

Perusahaan berhasil memperoleh laba.


Operating Cash Flow

Operating Cash Flow bernilai positif



ROA tahun ini lebih kecil dari tahun sebelumnya


Quality of Earning

Operating Cash Flow lebih besar daripada Net Income
789,918,176 vs 321,278,535


Long Term Debt vs Assets

Rasio lebih rendah dibanding tahun lalu

0.40387 (2022) vs 0.49276 (2021)


Laporan Laba Rugi Tahun 2019-2024

Tahun TTM 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Revenue 2,247,644,872 2,312,227,602 1,252,106,573 1,099,902,921 1,375,721,763 1,218,251,548
Gross Profit 1,033,882,696 1,246,071,044 550,645,516 314,209,160 546,772,753 743,257,593
Operating Income 792,441,699 988,195,132 389,239,802 157,487,870 364,403,563 474,884,157
Net Income 321,278,535 530,882,675 47,019,404 -192,825,309 -38,765,488 -51,302,236

Neraca Keuangan

Tahun 2022 2021 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018
Total Asset 6,931,905,826 5,683,884,139 5,882,742,988 5,997,523,421 5,997,523,421 5,997,523,421 5,997,523,421 5,252,393,746
Aset Lancar 1,751,396,299 1,701,563,649 1,877,223,770 1,694,682,717 1,694,682,717 1,694,682,717 1,694,682,717 1,827,115,361
Total Liabilitas 5,184,386,501 4,454,547,678 4,687,437,991 4,652,695,011 4,652,695,011 4,652,695,011 4,652,695,011 3,865,132,439
Liabilitas Lancar 1,379,314,476 1,006,176,448 1,367,821,211 705,581,042 705,581,042 705,581,042 705,581,042 1,101,979,278
Long Term Debt 2,799,623,386 2,800,784,375 2,586,017,040 3,058,945,181 3,058,945,181 3,058,945,181 3,058,945,181 2,405,063,739
Total Equitas 1,557,260,010 1,072,725,874 1,007,443,454 1,185,039,770 1,185,039,770 1,185,039,770 1,185,039,770 1,219,199,616
Working Capital 372,081,823 695,387,201 509,402,559 989,101,675 989,101,675 0 0 0

Arus Kas

Tahun TTM 2022 2021 2020 2019 2019 2019 2019 2018
Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi 789,918,176 1,116,411,362 439,675,296 459,475,343 388,227,067 408,279,550 388,227,067 388,227,067 386,062,927
Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi -752,301,795 -1,062,938,459 82,865,496 -292,672,486 -269,275,690 -252,146,947 -269,275,690 -269,275,690 -401,048,088
Kas dari Aktivitas Pembiayaan -188,998,931 64,430,142 -335,601,782 -317,703,116 -84,896,105 -120,177,301 -84,896,105 -84,896,105 -53,262,702
Arus Kas Bebas 456,684,889 847,895,881 328,534,134 267,994,646 191,646,661 0 191,646,661 191,646,661 0