
Sekar Bumi Tbk. - SKBM

IDR 308

PER -507.54
PBV 0.53
BV 577
ROE -0.11%
Current Ratio 1.57
DER 77.37%
Harga Wajar -7,878

PT Sekar Bumi Tbk processes, produces, trades in, and distributes frozen food products in Indonesia. The company offers block packing, raw, and cooked shrimp, as well as cooked and peeled prawns; beef balls, sea food, fish balls, fish shiumai, hakau, kekian, martabak, mini wonton, nuggets, puffs, samosa, sausage, shiumai, shrimp balls, shrimp shiumai, spring rolls, and squid balls; and cheese and vegetable fish cake, brosur bumifood, dumpling ayam and udang, fish tofu, fish cake laksa recipe, scallop, shrimp and fish dumpling, and shumai. It also processes cashew nuts and other nut products; and bread crumbs and breaded shrimps. In addition, the company is involved in the agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, trading, transportation, construction, services, printing, and workshop businesses. PT Sekar Bumi Tbk sells its products under the FINNA, SKB, Bumifood, and Mitraku brands. The company also exports its products to the United States, Europe, Japan, and other Asian countries. PT Sekar Bumi Tbk was founded in 1968 and is headquartered in Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia.


Sub sektor


Sub Industri


Financial Report

: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Jumlah saham

: 1.73M lembar

Market Cap

: 532.87M


: 998.21M


: 1.84T

Free Cash Flow

: 45.52M

Key Valuation


: -507.54


: 0.53


: -1

Rasio Profitabilitas

Net Profit Margin

: -0.04%

Return on Assets

: -0.06%

Return on Equity

: -0.11%

Rasio Likuiditas


: 77.37%

Current Ratio

: 1.57%


Bukan saham teknologi

Termasuk saham di sektor Barang Konsumen Primer


Revenue lebih dari 175M

Revenue 2,547,921,492,503


Current Ratio kecil

Perbandingan CR 1.57


Utang Jangka Panjang : Net Current Assets kurang dari 1

Perbandingan 0.03


Price to Earning Ratio

PER besar : -507.54


PER * PBV besar

Perkalian PER & PBV = -270.94


DER kurang dari 100%

Rasio hutang jangka panjang : = 77.37%


F-Score : 6

Piotroski F-Score

Net Income bernilai negatif

Perusahaan mengalami kerugian.


Operating Cash Flow

Operating Cash Flow bernilai positif



ROA tahun ini lebih kecil dari tahun sebelumnya


Quality of Earning

Operating Cash Flow lebih besar daripada Net Income
102,027,331,636 vs -1,049,901,890


Long Term Debt vs Assets

Rasio lebih rendah dibanding tahun lalu

0.00639 (2023) vs 0.00749 (2022)


Laporan Laba Rugi Tahun 2019-2024

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Revenue 2,547,921,492,503 2,839,561,359,367 3,802,296,289,773 3,847,887,478,570 3,165,530,224,724 2,104,704,872,583 1,953,910,957,160
Gross Profit 321,945,208,309 344,825,157,584 613,279,090,382 531,094,378,779 315,519,063,274 265,906,864,641 221,637,370,002
Operating Income 54,433,014,525 72,872,887,493 134,188,752,675 86,161,664,659 67,454,558,286 48,059,459,745 46,446,816,764
Net Income -1,049,901,890 1,496,164,143 86,221,358,302 29,560,408,653 10,341,078,215 4,187,135,960 13,832,402,480

Neraca Keuangan

Tahun 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total Asset 1,839,622,473,747 2,042,199,577,083 1,970,428,120,056 1,768,660,546,754 1,820,383,352,811 1,771,365,972,009
Aset Lancar 1,073,290,266,264 1,263,255,237,692 1,158,132,110,148 953,792,483,691 889,743,651,128 851,410,216,636
Total Liabilitas 772,343,255,862 968,233,866,594 977,942,627,046 806,678,887,419 784,562,971,811 730,789,419,438
Liabilitas Lancar 685,194,518,888 875,853,096,624 883,202,660,221 701,020,837,232 668,931,501,885 615,506,825,729
Long Term Debt 11,760,977,467 15,303,026,161 25,718,004,346 24,794,454,247 22,958,426,439 32,261,987,188
Total Equitas 998,211,077,919 1,007,768,725,727 926,647,093,746 896,509,622,112 891,921,977,809 887,802,406,623
Working Capital 388,095,747,376 387,402,141,068 274,929,449,927 252,771,646,459 0 0

Arus Kas

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi 102,027,331,636 136,863,064,344 102,191,880,734 -44,970,462,418 19,707,485,134 -40,492,304,852 -55,800,390,845
Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi -55,257,755,561 -59,128,303,097 -21,989,261,629 -32,800,032,852 -15,600,296,690 -42,610,672,432 -67,860,421,921
Kas dari Aktivitas Pembiayaan -66,325,097,410 -67,475,105,360 -27,116,433,568 116,926,496,126 5,357,205,746 -12,752,964,118 110,674,969,291
Arus Kas Bebas 45,515,406,454 76,825,831,207 77,811,570,129 -74,952,922,543 3,578,147,535 0 0