
Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk. - SSIA

IDR 1,450

PER 39.89
PBV 1.70
BV 852
ROE 4.27%
Current Ratio 2.13
DER 99.16%
Harga Wajar 835

PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk, together with its subsidiaries, engages in the construction business. The company operates through five divisions: Industrial Estates Development, Real Estate and Rental of Buildings, Building Construction, Investment in Shares to Other Companies, and Hotels. It is involved in the development and management of industrial estates, real estate, buildings, and commercial centers; provision of construction and general contractor services for commercial buildings, mining, and infrastructure projects; and development and management of hotels and resorts, as well as hospitality activities. The company owns approximately 10 hotels under the Gran Meliá Jakarta and Meliá Bali Hotels, Jumana Ungasan Resort Bali, The Plaza Hotel Glodok, and BATIQA Hotels brands. It also rents office buildings and shopping centers; and provides trading, development, transportation, agriculture, warehousing, mining and services, and building management and construction services. The company was formerly known as PT Multi Investments Limited and changed its name to PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk in 1995. PT Surya Semesta Internusa Tbk was founded in 1971 and is based in Jakarta, Indonesia.


Financial Report

: Sun, 31 Mar 2024 00:00:00 GMT

Jumlah saham

: 4.71M lembar

Market Cap

: 6.82T


: 4.01T


: 8.42T

Free Cash Flow

: -82.07M

Key Valuation


: 39.89


: 1.70


: 36

Rasio Profitabilitas

Net Profit Margin

: 3.66%

Return on Assets

: 2.03%

Return on Equity

: 4.27%

Rasio Likuiditas


: 99.16%

Current Ratio

: 2.13%


Bukan saham teknologi

Termasuk saham di sektor Infrastruktur


Revenue lebih dari 175M

Revenue 4,670,327,749,077


Current Ratio lebih dari 2

Perbandingan CR 2.13


Utang Jangka Panjang : Net Current Assets lebih dari 1

Perbandingan : 1.29


Price to Earning Ratio

PER besar : 39.89


PER * PBV besar

Perkalian PER & PBV = 67.92


DER kurang dari 100%

Rasio hutang jangka panjang : = 99.16%


F-Score : 6

Piotroski F-Score

Net Income bernilai positif

Perusahaan berhasil memperoleh laba.


Operating Cash Flow

Operating Cash Flow bernilai positif



ROA tahun ini lebih kecil dari tahun sebelumnya


Quality of Earning

Operating Cash Flow lebih kecil daripada Net Income
5,992,678,597 vs 171,030,912,998


Long Term Debt vs Assets

Rasio lebih tinggi dibanding tahun lalu

0.26342 (2023) vs 0.14373 (2022)


Laporan Laba Rugi Tahun 2019-2024

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Revenue 4,670,327,749,077 4,537,653,827,301 3,614,941,222,156 2,352,908,880,457 2,947,321,285,487 4,006,437,811,242 3,681,834,788,101
Gross Profit 1,405,834,509,262 1,327,182,512,121 918,137,376,236 517,016,178,957 635,232,303,096 1,064,737,840,410 957,695,700,683
Operating Income 606,824,238,918 599,532,293,152 328,398,713,719 74,968,645,877 121,191,088,453 364,030,598,108 268,205,322,750
Net Income 171,030,912,998 176,574,853,281 175,815,035,148 -200,216,687,914 -87,542,037,164 92,308,006,434 37,674,434,371

Neraca Keuangan

Tahun 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Total Asset 8,416,773,129,280 8,289,646,306,143 7,752,170,523,212 7,619,976,089,708 8,092,446,814,970 7,404,167,100,524
Aset Lancar 3,234,886,448,886 3,324,869,202,882 3,008,237,106,998 3,004,087,951,852 4,057,603,566,934 3,458,662,374,618
Total Liabilitas 3,973,318,760,457 4,030,178,652,850 3,701,617,769,634 3,388,901,468,235 3,614,266,973,106 3,019,160,765,637
Liabilitas Lancar 1,521,061,385,408 1,831,407,799,386 1,451,839,941,799 1,862,687,652,750 1,713,172,966,844 2,033,129,970,843
Long Term Debt 2,217,165,712,812 1,191,511,764,436 2,044,310,107,495 1,241,384,684,439 1,610,580,849,486 751,534,928,872
Total Equitas 4,007,006,831,558 3,840,214,825,256 3,584,638,043,872 3,751,241,493,285 3,964,442,118,621 3,943,972,057,382
Working Capital 1,713,825,063,478 1,493,461,403,496 1,556,397,165,199 1,141,400,299,102 0 0

Arus Kas

Tahun TTM 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi 5,992,678,597 257,229,904,188 -150,799,754,785 -340,788,908,730 -810,840,016,295 -122,618,235,569 -847,119,553,346
Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi -156,901,128,628 -176,212,399,466 400,054,123,657 -23,140,711,201 96,031,447,390 -35,824,980,159 1,993,458,966,375
Kas dari Aktivitas Pembiayaan -44,925,435,640 3,339,285,892 102,951,131,639 293,256,561,563 26,162,873,257 324,280,359,816 -927,385,702,397
Arus Kas Bebas -82,066,975,564 170,973,632,043 -205,388,803,143 -362,292,847,069 -876,360,134,913 0 0